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Modern Slavery Statement



EMFS Group Ltd and its subsidiary companies recognises and welcomes the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the duty it places on organisations to disclose publicly the steps they are taking to prevent modern slavery within the business and their supply chains. EMFS Group has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to improve its practices by acting ethically and with integrity to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking does not exist anywhere within the organisation or is in anyway associated with the business.


Our business


EMFS Group is a SME private Emergency Medical and Fire Service made up of three subsidiary companies, Event Fire Solutions Ltd (EFS), EMC Medical Services Ltd (EMC) and SE Medical Limited (SEM) that delivers fire risk management and medical services to commercial industry and public sector support.

Our head office is based in Blewbury, Oxfordshire where our subsidiary company EMC Medical Services deploy Patient Transport Services. Our fire sector company EMFS Group Ltd is located in Upper Heyford and our second medical company is based in Sevenoaks, Kent. These locations enable us to operate nationwide for several major clients.


We currently employ in excess of 200 skilled individuals who assist us to achieve the aims of our business and to deliver and regularly exceed the high levels of service that our customers have come to expect.

Due diligence, risk assessment and auditing


EMFS Group Ltd considers its position within the relative industries as low risk in relation to modern slavery. The company recognises that although comprehensive practices are in place to ensure that modern slavery does not exist within direct recruitment and employment, the very nature of the business is complex when considering the use of sub-contractors and extended supply chain. EMFS Group Ltd insists that all companies associated with the business adhere to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act and that smaller companies abide by the principles and policies in operation. Accordingly, EMFS Group Ltd expects its sub-contractors to ensure that modern slavery also does not exist within their own supply chain. Where issues are identified that are not resolved to our satisfaction, we review the on-going nature of the relationship with that relevant organisation.


Our policies and procedures


EMFS Group Ltd adopt many procedures that assist with our management of potential modern slavery and human trafficking issues.


In order to address modern slavery directly, EMFS Group Ltd is implementing a dedicated Modern Slavery Policy that sets out the company’s position in relation to modern slavery. The policy is designed to set out the requirements the company has on entering into contractual relationships with others and ensures that its employees are aware of their responsibilities in working to ensure modern slavery does not exist anywhere within the company.


EMFS Group Ltd is committed to making its employees aware and to recognise potential situations of modern slavery and procedures to report their concerns. This is achieved through inductions, departmental meetings, e-learning, and toolbox talks.


Moving forward


EMFS Group Ltd is committed to ensure modern slavery does not exist within its organisation by improving its current practices, adapting existing procedures, creating new policy, and continuing to educate its employees. The board of Directors set targets for the forthcoming year which include the following.

  • To review the company ‘Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking’ policy to ensure it is suitable and sufficient.

  • To adapt and improve existing key policies and procedures as necessary to address modern slavery issues.

  • To provide refresher awareness training to staff on identifying any potential unlawful or unethical conduct within our operations and supply chain and how to report their concerns.

  • To ensure that all applicable sub-contractors have a signed statement and policy to abide by the Modern Slavery Act or for smaller organisations to agree to comply with the policy and procedures of EMFS Group Ltd.

  • To audit our policies and procedures to ensure effectiveness and best practice in addressing risk of modern slavery within our operations.

This statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes EMFS Group Ltd modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st March 2024.

This statement was approved by EMFS Group Ltd board of directors on 31/03/2024.


Providing unparalleled private medical, fire and training services.

Dedicated to setting the highest standards in safety and care. 

Delivering excellence in every aspect of emergency response.

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